Easily customize your products with RePOS Restaurant POS Sales Application! Add “Extra Cheese” to your burger or remove “Onion” from your salad. Update product contents to keep your products fresh. Take your order faster and more flexible with add-on and removable options. Bring delicious experiences to your table by making your products more attractive and customer-friendly with RePOS Restaurant POS Sales Application!
A. How to customize the product content?
-> Add-On Options Editing Process
1- Login to the RePOS application as “System Admin” user.
2- Click to Menu icon on the upper Left. Click to ADMINISTRATION MENUS and then click to Product Management.
3. Select the product you want to add product content to from the relevant category. As an example, click on the Fried Potatoes product. Click on the product. Log in to the product content category. Tap the Add Product Content button.
4. Type the content name. Select the content type Add-On Options. Tap the (+) sign. Enter the Option name and price information. Tap the OK button. Then tap the UPDATE button to save the changes you made. The transaction has been completed successfully.
-> Removable Option Editing Process
1- Login to the RePOS application with “SYSTEM ADMIN” user.
2- Click to Menu icon on the upper Left. Click to ADMINISTRATION MENUS and then click to Product Management.
3- Select the product you want to add product content to from the relevant category. As an example, click on the Fried Potatoes product. Log in to the product content category. Tap the Add Product Content button.
4- Type the content name. Select the content type Removable Options. Tap the (+) sign. Enter the Option name and price information. Tap the OK button. Then tap the UPDATE button to save the changes you made. The transaction has been completed successfully.
B. How to use the product content in the order?
1- Login to the RePOS application with “SYSTEM ADMIN” user.
2- Click to Menu icon on the upper Left. Click to CASHIER MENUS and then click to Quick Order. As an example, click to the Fried Potatoes product.
3-The options we added previously will appear in the product content. Tick the options we added here. Then tap the Add button. The options I added will appear on the order summary screen. Tap the payment button.
4- Select the payment method and complete the payment process successfully.