Creating a QR Code Menu and Taking Orders with QR Code

In this article, detailed information is given on how to create a QR code menu for tables with the RePOS application and how to take orders from customers with the generated QR code.

Text Content;

  1. How to open Online Services to use QR Code Menu?
  2. How to create QR Code for tables?
  3. How does the customer order from the QR Code menu?

How to Open Online Services to Take Orders with QR Code?

Login to the Repos application from the Kasa User.
The Online Market tab is accessed from the left sliding menu.
It is necessary to open the online services required to take orders with the QR Code by logging in with a google account. This process is not repeated for subsequent orders.
When online orders are opened, it will appear as in the image.

How to create QR Code on tables?

From the menu on the left, tap the table orders tab.
Touch the QR Code button.
Touch the Settings button to select the QR Code size.
After selecting the QR Code size, tap the save button.
The code is created with the Create QR Code button.
QR Code can be printed or sent to customers with the Share Button.
After tapping the Share button, the print option is selected in the applications drawer that opens.
QR Code is printed and left on the tables.

How do customers place an order with the generated QR code?

The QR Code on the tables is read by the camera of the customer phone.
After the customer reads the QR code, the menu belonging to the business opens.
Selects customer orders from the drop-down menu.
After the order is selected, it is checked and confirmed on the order detail page.
The order is completed by the customer and the business appears in the Repos app.



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